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万物分享· Haight Clothing Store

万物分享· Haight Clothing Store

Haight Clothing Store

在巴西的建筑工作室AIA Estúdio和Raphael Tepedino所设计的Haight商店的设计中,以创造一个友好的环境和消费体验为前提,在本质上带来一些不可能的东西。该商场的氛围由人工元素和冰冷的材料定义,这与Haight的概念基础相反,后者与自然景观相联系。
The design of the Haight store by Brazilian architecture studios AIA Estudio and Raphael Tepedino is based on the premise of creating a friendly environment and consumer experience that essentially brings out the impossible. The atmosphere of the mall is defined by artificial elements and icy materials, in contrast to the conceptual basis of the Haight, which is linked to the natural landscape.

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