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陈燃 · 逐光而居

陈燃 · 逐光而居

The Sophisticated and Bright Home of Chen Ran

陈燃有着明确的审美风格倾向: 采用明亮、中性色调,便于自己的日常和时尚拍摄工作;空间尽量留白,有利于展示自己长久以来的艺术收藏,也能更好地融合多种风格的家具;力求软装单品新旧混搭、中外合璧,体现出生活的生动性和厚重感。
The famous Chinese actress Chen Ran, who has starred in many film and television works, has gradually crossed over to the field of clothing modelling and be known as “China It Girl". She has recently appeared on the cover of the ELLEDECO Home Gallery, revealing her home and show off his style and furniture selections, incorporating fashion concepts into her home design.

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